Driver version : 24.12.01o
Date of release : 18-Januari-2011
File format : ZIP / RAR
File size : 14,4 MB
Support for operating system : Windwos 7 32 bit
Please use the following link to download this P4M900 Via Chrome9 latest driver for free, this driver also support for CN896 VIA Chrome9, VN896 VIA Chrome9 HC graphics device.
Download link
You can download previous version of this driver here
How to install or update driver of computer
Install driver :TO install driver please follow step by step the following metods :
1. Download driver you want to install
2. Look for setup.exe ( or othe file name with "exe" format ) and double click this file, or if the file you have downloaded "RAR" please double click the "RAR" file and look for file with "exe" format and double click
3. After installing was begin, follow all instruction there, for attention just follow it's instruction.
4. Restart your computer after installation finished.
Update driver :
1. Download driver you want to install and unpack if the file using "RAR" or "ZIP" format
2. Click "Sart" menu and right click "Computer" ( or My Computer )
3. Click "Manage" And Choose "Device manager"
4. Choose what device driver you want to update, right click and choose update driver
5. On option screen choose the driver file ( have installed ) where you have saved it
6. Click next and follow instruction there.